Silesca Cabin

Cardinal directions

The historic Silesca Cabin, once used as a ranger station, is a semi-rustic dwelling with comfortable modern conveniences like electricity, a shower and refrigerator. Located 40 minutes southwest of the city of Montrose, the cabin is set back 100 feet from the main road, providing easy access with some privacy. The cabin is accessible in the summer and fall by passenger vehicle, when the road is dry. Four-wheel drive vehicles are recommended when the road is wet.

Follow Highway 90 southwest from Montrose. Watch for signs as the highway makes several turns as it weaves its way out of town. The pavement ends where the road begins to climb out of the Uncompahgre River Valley and enters lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management. In 20 miles, it enters the Uncompahgre National Forest. Silesca Cabin is about a half-mile further on the left side of the road.

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2505 South Townsend Avenue
Montrose, Colorado 81401
Phone: 9702405300

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